Friday, December 28, 2007

Let's pray for Pakistan

PAKISTAN means "THE LAND OF THE PURE" according to Kamran Riaz of the University of Houston, USA. However, one would find it hard to link the purity and holiness of Pakistan up with her modern history ever since its inception in 1947. For example, some 15 million people fled religious persecution in 1947 – Muslim fleeing to East and West Pakistan while Hindus fleeing to India. An estimated one million people were killed in widespread communal violence and millions were made homeless.

In the next year (1948), Pakistan was fighting with India over Kashmir. In 1951,
Liaquat Ali Khan (Pakistan’s first prime minister) was assassinated in Rawalpindi – what a coincident! On April 17, 1953 -- Malik Ghulam Mohammad (Pakistan’s 3rd Governor General) dismissed Khawaja Nazimuddin (2nd prime minister). Such an act of Ghulam Mohammad had set an unhealthy tradition and precedent in Pakistan of presidents removing elected prime ministers. Unfortunately, this tradition was carried on by various Pakistani presidents creating a continuous instability in the country. Military interventions and coups also came into place rather frequently during the ensuing history of Pakistan.

I am shocked at hearing the news of Madam Benazir Bhutto’s assassination today (27th Dec., 2007)! It is certainly a great blow to this already unstable country and its poor people. Furthermore, the fate of Pakistan also hinges on the stability of the region when the Americans are fighting their war of terrorism. It wouldn’t be difficult for a sober-minded person to envision the likely destabilizing effect of Madam Bhutto’s assassination on the region’s stability and politics. In fact, there is an appreciable chance of Pakistan’s instability being spilled over to her neighbours including Afghanistan and India. It would also give way to a greater terrorists’ influence both in Pakistan and her neighbours as well as the western world.

Dear brothers and sisters, let’s pray for Pakistan for its recovery from the recent political turmoil as well as for the nation’s stability, the welfare of its people and their freedom to receive the Gospel of the Lord Jesus in order that Pakistan may become a truly holy and peaceful member of the world nations. Amen.


Thursday, September 06, 2007

My Word for the Korean Missionaries

I praise the Lord Jesus that the 21 beloved South Korean brothers and sisters were finally released and home safely. To me, it is by and through the grace of God that they are spared. I would also like to offer my condolences to the 2 Korean brothers who were sacrificed in the incidence.

I know that there are some criticisms against the South Korean hostages’ deal alleging that it might set a “dangerous” precedent which might jeopardize other missionaries in Afghanistan. The Talibans claimed that the deal was a success for their abduction strategy and they would do it again. Besides, Seoul is reported to ban its citizens from traveling to Afghanistan soon.

No one could deny that the extremist Muslim groups in Afghanistan might see the abduction of foreigners as a way to rid the country of non-Muslims. Indeed, abductions and killings are not uncommon in their track records. Some Protestant groups working in Afghanistan were criticized as having been acting “irresponsibly” because they have failed to take heed of the country’s legal, social and political context by doing over-ambitious evangelism which is banned by the government.

As an evangelist, I am sympathetic to the Korean missionaries. Obviously, I am neither qualified nor capable to make any judgment over the missionaries’ actions. Nevertheless, I do believe in this teaching of the Lord [Matt.16:24], “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” Jesus further instructed his disciples [Matt.10:16], “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Let’s remember that evangelism is inherently difficult and risky as Jesus had said [Matt. 10:22], “you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.”

We Christians know that the Great Commission is central to the purposes and meanings of our lives on earth. The Apostle Paul [II Tim. 4:2] teaches us to preach the word whether in season or out of season; so that we should reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. Perhaps, we should learn from our “mistakes” and yet be stuck to our purposes and mission by doing what is right in the eyes of our Lord. At the end of the day, I do believe that the Afghans will be opened to the gospel through various works and testimonies by individual Christians called to the purpose by the Lord Jesus.

Dear missionaries of South Korea, don’t be intimidated or be stupefied. You can consider yourselves as living now a second life endowed by the Lord through your Afghan ordeal. I believe our Saviour has a plan and purpose for each one of you as His beloved children. You should be prepared to bear witness to Jesus Christ and His Salvation which is both our obligation and privilege! Let’s encourage one another with Paul’s teaching (Rom. 8:28): “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.” Amen.


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Tribute to Pastor Bae Hyong- kyu (向裴亨奎牧師致敬)

I am sad and shocked at hearing the news of Pastor Bae Hyung-kyu (裴亨奎牧師) of the Saemmul Community Church having been killed in Afghanistan on July 25th. He would have turned 42 on the day he was brutally sacrificed. He is survived by his wife and a nine-year-old daughter.

Pastor Bae was from a devout Christian family from the island province of Jeju (濟洲島). He became a pastor about six years ago. His father is a church elder in Jeju and was a founding member of the Saemmul Community Church in Bundang, which sent the volunteers to Afghanistan. He led services for younger members of its congregation. Reports quoted people who knew him as saying, "He is close to many members of the church, because he is always generous enough to help with the prayers of each of the 300 members of the youth division."

I fully agree with Mr. Baek Jong-chun, presidential Blue House chief national security adviser of South Korea that harming innocent civilians can never be justified and we will never forgive this kind of inhumane act.

I send my condolences to the family members of Pastor Bae and wish them the greatest comfort by the Lord Jesus, our Saviour. May God bless his wife and daughter abundantly. May the other 22 South Korean hostages be saved and released soon. Amen.

Howard, in Christ

For further information, please visit International Herald Tribute and The Christian Post.

Friday, May 18, 2007


影視處昨日(17/5)發表聲明,指聖經是「人類文明一部分」,「沒有違反一般合理社會人士普遍接受的道德禮教標準」,決定不會將《聖經》送交淫褻物品審裁處評級。 我們歡迎影視處這一決定,因為它既反映事實,又乎合香港作為擁有信仰自由的國際城市之傳統。

我們仍然不明白為何有人發起「投訴聖經大行動」,而網站「令人戰慄的聖經」的網主「奧賣葛」仍質疑影視處的決定,或許他們的作為正正應驗了使徒保羅的預言,他指出聖靈明說,在後來的時候,必有人離棄真道,聽從那引誘人的邪靈和鬼魔的道理﹝提前 4:1﹞。




Howard and members in the Lord

Thursday, May 17, 2007






(The Bible is an invaluable gift given by God)
(一) 聖經的核心訊息是 神為世人預備了一份無價之寶,就是天父真神透過祂的獨生子耶穌基督降世、受死和復活來成就永恆的救恩(見約翰福音3:16),叫凡相信的都得救。
(二) 聖經於教訓、督責、使人歸正、教導人學義都是有益的﹝見提後3:16﹞,並以此來引導信徒的生活守則,並鼓勵我們以信、望、愛的大原則來立己立人。

(The Bible is Authentic and Credible)

(1) 聖經是經歷一千五百多年而寫成,有四十多位的著書人,當中的訊息都是彼此呼應,並且都聚焦於耶穌基督的救恩為核心,不單止如此,聖經本身也經歷過不少的磨難,在早期教會時期,曾有羅馬君皇要把聖經銷毀,亦有很多異教徒對「她」作出不同的攻擊,正如今天的情景相似,奇妙地,聖經不但沒有被擊倒,反而日見繁衍增多!基督教亦隨之而傳播到世界各地。

(2) 聖經不但預言了很多世界大事,父神又以祂的舊約選民─整個猶太民族的歷史為聖經的真理作見證,例如她早早預言耶穌基督要從猶太民族出來,並且由童女所生,成就救恩;另外,以色列在亡國超過2500年後竟然能神跡地按著聖經預言在1948年復國,在在都表明聖經是可信的。

(3) 聖經是一本活的書,不單是因為她包含了不朽的道理,更是因為歷世歷代信徒作出活生生的見證,大家可能聽過羅馬暴君焚城錄時基督徒面對逼迫患難還能堅守信仰,至死忠心;這些事情其實在現代某些敵視基督教的區域時有發生;當然,我們亦是聖經活著的見證人,我們誠懇的為聖經作見證:我們的生命都是因為聴信了聖經的道理而得著顯著的更新和改變,並且從中得了永生的盼望,是千真萬確的事實!

(Our Petition)

(1) 懇請那些不知所謂敵對或蔑視聖經的人士,立即停止你們向影視處無聊的投訴,你們雖然不是信徒,但聖經清楚地告訴她的讀者:[參彼得後書 3:16] 若有人強解使徒保羅的書信﹝已收納在聖經內﹞,如強解別的經書一樣,就自取沉淪。
(2) 若有人對聖經有任何疑問,請聯絡你們附近的正統基督教會教牧人員查詢和交流,我們相信誠懇和真摯的對話,是解開誤解的鑰匙。
(3) 我們對聖經的真理有絕對的信心,不怕接受檢查,但我們恭請影視處以至相關部門,要以香港法治精神,特別是基本法保障信仰自由的條文為大前題來跟進事情。
(4) 懇請所有基督徒為香港,為我們的青年人和前途禱告,求父神施恩,祝福香港和我們的下一代,赦免我們市民的過犯,免得香港陷入咒詛中。

(We welcome members of HONG KONG to
sign up in this petition for an additional harmonious and positive voice in Hong Kong.)

Howard & Conveners.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


美國4月16日發生的弗吉尼亞理工大學 (Virginia Tech) 槍擊案至今,大家可能都注意到又再有多宗較小型的槍擊案發生了!原因何在?以 南韓裔嫌犯趙承熙(Cho Seung-hui)為例,他的同學與英文老師早於2005年已發現他是個充滿憤恨和暴力的孩子,十分令人不安,而趙亦因為騷擾女同學和有自殺傾向而一度要進入精神病院檢驗,可惜,他的病歷卻因為私隱的理由而沒有向美國的聯邦調查局呈報結果使他可以輕易的買到殺人槍械,並造成不可挽回的禍害!當然,各宗案件都有其中的個別因素存在。



我們當然不可把屬 神的盼望放下,更不要以為以上的事情不會臨到我們的家人身上,因為這些歪風,斷不會自動消失的;反之,在有心人的搧動下,歪曲悖謬的道理往往會愈來愈盛行。或許,我們應該問一問自己,在禱告,信靠和盼望的基礎上,我們有何行動和方法來對抗今日這股濁世歪流呢? 使徒雅各[雅4:17]教導我們人若知道行善,卻不去行,這就是他的罪了。使徒保羅的鼓勵也很重要[加 6:9]:我們行善,不可喪志;若不灰心,到了時候就要收成。是的,今天的社會正正是需要你和我們一起來為主作見證,為 神作鹽作光,也要為真理打美好的仗,求父神和主耶穌幫助我們,並憐憫我們的社會!


Wednesday, April 18, 2007


昨天 (16/4)發生在美國維珍尼亞洲的 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (弗吉尼亞理工大學)的恐怖槍擊慘劇又一次震撼了世人的心坎!導致槍擊慘劇發生的原因之一當然關乎美國現時槍械太多太濫,但這只是硬件,因為槍械再多而管制得宜,再配合國民的非暴力和守法意識的話,應該沒有這麼多的槍擊和校園暴力案件。



聖經提摩太後書 3:1 說到末世必有危險的日子來到 (But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of stress),使徒保羅又教導我們[提前 2:1-2]要為萬人懇求、禱告、代求、祝謝;為君王和一切在位的,也該如此,使我們可以敬虔、端正、平安無事的度日。(I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. [KJV])

作為信徒,我們的盼望也離不開聖經的提示和應許:[多 2:11- 13]因為神救眾人的恩典已經顯明出來,教訓我們除去不敬虔的心和世俗的情慾,在今世自守、公義、敬虔度日,等候所盼望的福,並等候至大的神和我們救主耶穌基督的榮耀顯現。(For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ [KJV])

但願香港的社會和青少年都同蒙 天父和主基督的保守和祝福!


Saturday, February 17, 2007

但願 父神祝福香港社會在來年有良好發展


今天(17/2)廣管局主席馮華健先生於港台節目中和該局昨日的新聞稿中都強調對《秋天的童話》及《鏗鏘集》「同志.戀人」的裁決是合理的,這是有利於香港作為一個既公義又和諧的社會的應有裁決。據本港報章報導,廣管局在有關裁決後收到2,558 份意見書,當中七成是支持廣管局對《鏗鏘集》的裁決。在支持的書面意見裏,相信必然有你的份兒,在此本人﹝作為對[同志‧戀人]節目的上訴人]謹送上真誠的感謝!


網主 Howard 上

Monday, February 12, 2007







Howard 上


Thursday, February 01, 2007

New Year Resolution Revisited

Dear Visitor in Christ,

My resolution last year is to find out directions and position in my ministry. I trust God has led me to minister to a group of brothers for mutual up-building and growth. It has yet to be further confirmed with signs and indications from the Lord on how far I could develop my personal ministry in 2007. I certainly need your prayer and support according to what you might perceive from your own spiritual enlightenment. Vice versa, I shall pray for you and the fulfillment of your life purpose. Should you are still searching for your own purpose and mission, the Apostle Paul encourages us (Hebrew 10:23-24) to hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works. Yes, it is usually easier for us to approach and fulfill our spiritual pilgrimage step by step as the Lord Jesus teaches us (Acts 1:8) that we shall bear witnesses to Him from Jerusalem, all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. May the Lord's will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

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