Monday, July 01, 2019

A Prayer for Repentance and Forgiveness (為悔改與赦免的禱告)

Our Heavenly Father,
We ask your grace and mercy as you have provided forgiveness of sins, life and salvation to all whose faith is in the Lord Jesus.
Lead us from the paths of sin to repentance and humility so that we can trust in Your Word and promises. Bring to repentance all who reject Your Word and Your ways.
Protect Your faithful ones and give them boldness of faith to stand up against the assaults of the devil and this evil world. Give to all believers Your peace and assurance.
I pray in the name of  Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Amen.

我們懇求祢賜下恩惠和憐憫,正如你賜下赦罪,生命及救恩予所有信靠 主耶穌的人;
奉救主 耶穌基督名求,阿們。

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