經文:創(Genesis) 1:1-10
1. 禱告:
Prayer: Holy Spirit, we beg you to enlighten us and
bring us into the abundance and mystery of God’s words. Help us understand the
Holy Bible so that we will be blessed and nourished. We pray in the name of the
Lord Jesus. Amen.
2. 朗讀 (Reading):慢慢朗讀幾遍 (Read aloud slowly and reflectively)
3. 默想 (Meditation):
我的默想:聖經以創世記(Genesis)為首卷書,不單只告訴我們這世界是 神所創造,並告訴我們創造的過程,讓信徒能追溯到宇宙的起頭及推動一切事物的 神﹝即第一因(the First Cause)﹞;當然,我們希望更多的了解 神。另一方面,若有一個超自然及超越萬事萬物的 神存在,我們真的不能以有限的智慧來了解無限的祂,否則祂便會降格為一可理解的「事物」,並因此而失去祂的神性呢!
meditation: Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It not only tells us that
the world is created by God but also how it is created. Believers could trace
it back to the First Cause (GOD) of everything and the beginning of our
universe. On the other hand, an infinite God is really beyond the understanding
of our limited wisdom even God really exists. Otherwise, God will be demoted to
“something” understood and will lose His Divinity.
思考問題 (Question):
神是誰或 神是甚麼?Who is
God? What is God?
我的默想 (My meditation):
God is
Light (1st John 1:5) and the first Cause. Other things and entities
are either created or a consequence of the Creation. Thus, can darkness existed
in the beginning? (NB: I don’t have the answer but I have my view.)
若(1)的答案容許起初有黑暗與 神同在,那黑暗又是甚麼呢?它也是自有永有的嗎?若是,光明與黑暗豈不是一對雙胞胎,這會令人很迷惑!
If the answer for (1) permits
darkness to coexist with God in the beginning, it would be very puzzling!
若(1)的答案是否定黑暗起初與 神同在,那黑暗就是在創造之前而存在,原因當然不得而知了。當 神說要有光,就有了光,當中神說話的能力是令人驚嘆的!今天我們「說話」很多,但有幾許是能即時產生結果或回應呢?
If the answer for (1) denies the coexistence
of darkness with God in the beginning, darkness must have come out somewhere
before the creation for an unknown reason. When God says let there be light,
then there is light! This proclamation is really astonishing! We speak a lot of
words today. How many of them do causes immediate results or responses
神的話語就是這般的奇妙!所以我們真的要好好研讀聖經,好得著智慧與造就!God’s word is so
wonderful! We really should study the Bible well so that we could gain the
wisdom and building up from God.
4. 默觀 (contemplation)
試試聽聽一些大家喜歡的詩歌調子,或獨自走往一個安靜和有利默觀的環境,好好禱告和思考大家的得著。Try to listen to
relaxing melodies or take a walk in an environment which is suitable for
personal contemplation.