Monday, November 14, 2016

靈修第二篇 (Devotional No.2)

經文:創(Genesis) 1:1-10
1.     禱告 (Prayer)
2.     朗讀 (Reading)
3.     默想 (Meditation)
我的默想:今天我繼續思考神創世的奧秘和其中的秩序,經文中有3樣事物是沒有清晰的出處和定義,就是:神(原文Elohiym是眾數)、黑暗和水。除了是創造者以外,經文本身沒有進一步提供神的特徵或其他特性。神明顯是十分正面的,而黑暗則相反!神的靈運行在水面,這裏及往後的經文叫我們知道 神是個靈,水給人的感覺是中性,當然今天科學指出水是生命的不可或缺之元素,但今天靈修經文對水沒有太多的描述。

跟著,我們看到光的出現,並且和黑暗輪流運轉,成為第一日。就釋經而言,第一次出現的事物都有它們特定的意義和重要性。光暗輪轉成了時間之始,第一日正正是時間的首次出現,跟著 神造了天空(firmament)或者空氣來把諸水分開,祂跟著又把天下的水聚在一處形成海洋,亁地亦同時形成,這應該是我們今天熟知的陸地和海洋的原貎。

1:1-10給我們看到 神先創造的不是生命而是生命所要依賴的必要條件和環境,,即光暗循環,聚合成洋的水和陸地﹝泥土﹞。是的,光,水和泥土正正是我們今天所在地球的維生系統和條件!當然,作為全能的神,祂若要先造出生物,然後才賦予他們維生的系統亦無不可,不過,神卻是按自然序來先造成維生系統,跟著才造成生物,這對我們來說,更是理所當然呢!


My meditation: I continue to ponder over the Creation story in Genesis I. I observe that 3 things are basically a mystery, namely, God(s) (Elohiym), Darkness and Water(s) for there is no mention of how they came about. Also, there is no other qualifiers for them (except God as the Creator) in the concerned passage. God is clearly a positive entity while darkness is negative. The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters (Gen 1:2). Thus, we learn that God is a spirit (also from subsequent passages) and water appears to be rather neutral.
Light comes to the stage in Day 1 as evening and day are alternating to take place.  In terms of hermeneutics, the first appearance of something bears a definite significance. The alternating evening and day becomes the emergency of time. God then created the sky (firmament) so that water is separated into 2 lots, one above the other below the sky. Seas and oceans appear as the water below is gathered together while dry land starts to show up.

Gen. 1:1-10 tells us how God created a living environment where light, water and land begin their co-existence. The trio is what is known to be the necessary breeding conditions of life as we know it today. One may wonder if God can first create living things before providing them with the living environment. The answer should be yes because God is almighty. Nevertheless, God somehow choose to create the living environment before the living things which sounds so natural us. Yes, God adopts a natural order in His creation.

Dear Fellows, do you see that our God is a God of Order?

思考問題 (Question)

我的生命是否亦擁有類似的秩序呢?Does my life exhibit a similar order in its own accord?

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