我們感謝 祢,因為在過去的年日裏,我們看到 主大大恩待香港以至我們的祖國,我們經歷了不同的艱難 ─ 從殖民地時代的無根和無關痛癢的心態,從國內文革的禍患以至香港的暴動及困苦中,祢奇妙地祝福了這個本來是寂寂無名的漁港,今天竟成了舉世知名的都會!
聖父啊!祢卻透過祖國的手來幫助我們,以CEPA來重新刺激我們的經濟,又因祖國的開放,為香港締造了不少契機,讓我們重新看到曙光!然而,我們得罪祢的地方實在是很多,因為我們行了許多不合乎祢心意和抵觸聖經教導的事情;求 主赦免我們無知的過錯。
聖靈啊!求祢開啟和軟化我們的心腸,讓我們能知罪悔改,又能明白祢的旨意,以至能與 父神復和。又求祢感動我們的領導者,讓他們在管治上兼公行義,推行仁政,建立美好的制度;求祢光照我們社會上的各個黨派和熱心的議政者,讓他們能看到香港的核心價值和真正需要── 香港被存留到今日,不是偶然,我們深信是 神有特別的美意和使命給香港,特別是屬祢的僕人和兒女;讓我們以謙虛和敬畏的心來尋求祢的指引,好叫香港能繼續為 主作鹽作光!
Dear brothers and sisters, what are you doing on July 1st? If you so wish, let's pray together for HONG KONG. You may refer to the following prayer:
“Almighty God, You have given us this good land for our heritage. We humbly ask You that we may become a people mindful of your favor and glad to do your will.
Bless our land with Your gospel, honorable deeds, justice and peace. Save us from violence, discord and confusion. Turn us away from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way.
Defend our freedom as your children and let us be united with our people according to Your will and teaching.
Endow with the Spirit of wisdom those to whom we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice, peace and mutual respect at home, and that through obedience to Your holy words we may testify to Your praises and glory.
In time of prosperity fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the days of trouble do not allow our faith in You to fail; keep us with Your hope and love. We ask all of this through The Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen”
Saturday, July 01, 2006
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